Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 2.

Week 2. check.

My days got thrown off.

But all runs were run. all miles covered.

4 miles this morning. 1 hour exactly.

Takes a little pressure off, my biggest fear being that they're going to sweep me off the course because of how slow I am.

But 15 minute miles? I can do that . no problem.

On to week 3 with excitement and readiness.

feeling good.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

and again.

I started this quietly.

3 years later and this is still looming on my bucket list.

I have only told my husband and two friends. I'm not ready to talk about it yet. I'm not ready in case I fail put it off again. But I'm itching to do it, and so here we go. 20 weeks. lots of training. Lots of miles. But at the end is that tutu. that run. that accomplishment. that medal.

I think I'm ready this time. Week one complete. done. check.
Podcasts are my new friends.
so is the battlefield before dawn.

It's just 13.1 miles.

here we go.

It's just 13.1 miles. They say anyone can do a half marathon. I just hope that this time, I'm anybody.