Saturday, December 10, 2011

3 years ago.

20 minutes ago I completed my 10 mile run.

3 years ago today I found out I was pregnant with ella.

I was so excited, but scared of the 10 miler I was going to run the next morning.

After calling the doctor to see what they thought I was relieved that they told me it probably wasn't a good idea to continue training.

This time is different.

I've put in the time.

I've done the saturday morning runs.

I'm prepared.


but think I'm ready if you told me I had to run 13.1 tomorrow.

3 years ago I was not.

how is it, with two kids, a dog, a husband, and full load of courses I've found more time to run and prepare?

its just that time.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rain, rain, go away.

training has been going Great!

9 miles on saturday without a problem.
Felt like I could have kept going if needed.

Weekday runs still usually are not my favorite.

I always seem to drag.

But heres the thing.

I talked myself out of it yesterday.
It was a little rainy.
I had a MILLION end of the semester things to do.

So I cross trained.
No prob.
I can move around my training.

So today was the day.

But my alarm didn't go off so I woke up 15 minutes late.

and it is pouring outside.

and I still have a million things to do.

and I don't like to run inside or in front of people at the Y.

So here I am. While I got done what I was worried about getting done today, am I just making excuses?

but really, it is pouring outside.

I feel like a slacker.

But really really pouring...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

saturday long run.

Did 7 yesterday.

Over halfway there!

(which means I can purchase my running skirt as was our goal/agreement).

Didn't feel bad at all.

I was even ready to do some more.

Next saturday, on the day I turn 27, I will be running 8 miles. Holy cow.

At least I feel like I can eat pretty much whatever I want at the thanksgiving table!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New Kicks.

I've been running through knee pain, "foot fatigue" (is that a real thing?), and sluggishness.

so I thought, maybe my shoes that are not running specific are to blame.

Maybe my sneakers I wore out at camp all summer could have something to do with it.

So off to adidas outlet I went.

(p.s. fun facts to know and share..did you know "adidas" stands for "all day I dream about soccer"? )

And I got BEAUTIFUL new shoes.

and they involve purple. and a little sparkle.

This morning my three miles went fast and easy.

no knee pain.

my feet felt great.

Crazy what new kicks can do

Monday, November 14, 2011

Saturday Long runs.

This saturday was 6 miles. done. check.

To be honest at the end of these runs I often feel like I can keep going.

It is not the long runs I have problems with

its the short ones throughout the week.

3 miles is my wall.

I just can't seem to run all of 3 miles. really? just a measly 3 miles?

just a 5 k? When I go out and run 6, 3 seems like a quick 35 minute run. Done.

Just 35 minutes of running.

Saturday I ran for 89 minutes.

but 3 is my wall.

How do I get over this?

the tempo runs are so so important to me.

ideas? Bueller? Bueller?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

there are bound to be mornings like this...

This mornings run was just..sucky.

There is really no other way to describe it.

My shoes came unexplainable untied. Twice.

My glasses kept fogging up because I didn't have contacts to put in this morning.

I wore a different outfit than usual, and my hooded sweatshirt just felt baggy and like it was weighing me down.

I ran out of new podcasts halfway through.

It was just one of those mornings. And there are bound to be mornings like this.
They just seem to sneak up on me.
and it makes it that much harder.

I mean, if I was told early in the week, "these will be your hard days" I could deal.
But it doesn't work like that.


This week I was thrown a little.

Upon looking at our budget, it just didn't seem like the princess half would be in our budget.
The cost of the race.
The cost of the airfare.
The cost of the new shoes I am inevidable going to have to purchase.
The cost of the merchandise while I'm there....

BUT, new doors were opened.

We're going to be in FL the weekend of the marathon anyway. We get in on Saturday afternoon so the half was out of the question.

But, upon further review of the website, I noticed the marathon relay.

Two people.

Each run 13.1.

New medal.

and my fabulous husband has been running too.

This is the best of both worlds!

We both get to cross it off of our bucket list.
And we get to be part of a TEAM

I'm stoked.

The downside is...
10 weeks.
Thats what we've got.

So we're putting in the miles. Pushing the pavement.
Trying to get our bodies ready for this.

and even though days like today happens,
I can't even wait.

so bring it on, next 10 weeks. Let's do this.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 2.

Week 2. check.

My days got thrown off.

But all runs were run. all miles covered.

4 miles this morning. 1 hour exactly.

Takes a little pressure off, my biggest fear being that they're going to sweep me off the course because of how slow I am.

But 15 minute miles? I can do that . no problem.

On to week 3 with excitement and readiness.

feeling good.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

and again.

I started this quietly.

3 years later and this is still looming on my bucket list.

I have only told my husband and two friends. I'm not ready to talk about it yet. I'm not ready in case I fail put it off again. But I'm itching to do it, and so here we go. 20 weeks. lots of training. Lots of miles. But at the end is that tutu. that run. that accomplishment. that medal.

I think I'm ready this time. Week one complete. done. check.
Podcasts are my new friends.
so is the battlefield before dawn.

It's just 13.1 miles.

here we go.

It's just 13.1 miles. They say anyone can do a half marathon. I just hope that this time, I'm anybody.