Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mini Goal May.

I found this idea through Krysten and think it is such a good idea to focus goals and make everything seem a little more attainable.

so 3 mini goals for may.

1. RUN. 
   get up. even when I don't want to. remember what it feels like half way through a run. how good it is to get out and work my muscle and connect with my body. 3 days a week (at least), and build up saturday miles until I get 8-10 (currently at 6...)

 don't stuff my face because I'm bored. or frustrated. or stressed. Eat because my body needs it. eat because that food is giving me nutrients, is building my muscle and helping to recover my body and make it stronger. Eat because I have to.

 Focus on my family, on what is making my life good. Not on money/material things. They don't mean anything. Enjoy my girls, my husband, my loved ones. be thankful for what I have and what my mind and body can accomplish. Make every day purposeful and joyful.

Three things. 31 days. Mini goals to make may better. And go...

Monday, March 19, 2012

the streak.

I did it! 7 days, 7 miles, one mile everyday.

it wasn't for me.

my body doesn't like doing lots of short bits of running, much better at a longer stretch but not every day.

the streak DID, however, get my running back on track.

I've kept going. bought new shoes (that hopefully don't give me tendonitis like my Half ones did.)

I have registered for races.

I have set out the training plan.

And I'm on my way to my second half marathon in October!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

going streaking...?

I promised a play by play..

but quite frankly I don't remember much-even if you would have asked me a week later.

It feels a bit like my wedding. I remember certain moments.
some flash back at weird times.
but overall I just remember the feelings of pain, pushing, achievement.

K'naan Wavin' Flag started playing on my phone the other day.

this is the song that I downloaded as I was waiting for my corral to be called.
it felt like the right song.

I listened to it a million times on repeat throughout the race.

it pushed me when my This American Life podcast just didn't.

as it came on my ipod three days ago emotions and memories came flooding back like a montage
(even rocky had a montage...)

I also am kind of thinking that my race was between me, the road and the thousands of other runners that I passed and was passed by that day.
It feels a little private.

I haven't run much since then.

I even said to Luke this morning that I can't even remember who that girl was who trained and stayed focused for 4 longs months and pushed herself to run 13.1 freaking miles.

who was she?

I miss her.

and so I'm leeching inspiration off of Meg and am going to concentrate March on rocking out my body. (there's not much else going on for me in March.)

I feel infinitely better about everything in my life after my early morning run.

I really do.

Also, have you heard of running streaks? Apparently its a thing

I read an article about it this morning and I am intrigued.

I'm going to start with a small goal, just 7 days. at least one mile everyday. 

and then maybe more?

I was supposed to run 3 this morning. I talked myself out of it, then read this article and went out and did 1. Though less than I wanted, 7 miles this week would be far more than I've done since the 8th of January.

So for now I'm going to try to streak. 

I have a 10k in the beginning of May, and a 5k for the week after that.
Friends have motivated me, and I can't wait to get back into it.

So 7 days. 7 miles. here we go.

Monday, January 16, 2012


It has been just over a week since the marathon relay.



It was a slow go fighting the 25,000 other runners,

and of course stopping for pictures with mice and princesses...

but it is complete.

and I loved it.

If you asked me on mile 9.5 as I ran my way up the hill past the contemporary I may not have said the same thing.

But I love it.

I came away with a medal and some wicked tendonitis in my foot...

but one more thing off the bucket list.

I'll post a play by play soon.

But for now I'm scouring the internet looking for my next race :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I've done as much as I can do.

12 miles.


and now we're 3 days away.

and my stomach is FULL of butterflies.

tomorrow is packing day.

Saturday is flying day.

Sunday is running day.

be still butterflies...